Anders Enetjärn one of Sweden's sustainability champions in 2024

Anders Enetjärn, Ecogain's founder, has been named one of Sweden's 101 most influential people in sustainability. And it is, among other things, Ecogain's collaborative project CLIMB that is highlighted in the motivation.

"I am so happy that CLIMB has received this recognition. With this tool, biodiversity moves into the business," says Anders Enetjärn.

 Every year, Aktuell Hållbarhet ranks people and presents a list of Sweden's 101 most powerful people in sustainability. Anders Enetjärn, who has been on the list before, is in 40th place this year. 

 "CLIMB is really a breakthrough, which is why I'm so happy that the tool is being recognised. Just a few years ago, nature was considered immeasurable. As a result, nature was an externality in all investment calculations. With CLIMB, biodiversity is moving into the business," says Anders Enetjärn.

"The potential to expand the use of CLIMB is enormous!"

CLIMB was launched in 2023 and is a tool for calculating, valuing and compensating for biodiversity. It is created to help companies reduce their negative impact on nature. Ecogain has developed the model together with several major players in Swedish industry, with the support of Swedish Mining Innovation.

"Companies and others are incentivised to be economical with nature. This could be a norm change in the business world. Now we just have to make sure that CLIMB becomes the new KPIs for biodiversity performance, in many types of industries. The potential to expand the use of CLIMB is enormous! says Anders Enetjärn.

Susanne B Olsson