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Östersund municipality: Preliminary study & planning for wetland restoration

In the fall of 2020, the municipality of Östersund turned to Ecogain for help in locating wetlands on the municipality's land that are suitable for restoration. The purpose of the municipality was to strengthen the work with nature conservation and climate. By applying for a grant from LONA (Local Nature Conservation Initiative), there was an opportunity for the municipality to receive state co-financing of the restoration.

Ecogain was contracted to prepare the basis for the application, which included selecting suitable restoration sites and implementing a restoration plan.

In identifying the most suitable wetland for restoration, Ecogain has taken into account the degree of impact, potential climate benefits, biodiversity benefits and difficulty of implementation. 

The report delivered to the municipality of Östersund includes, among other things, a calculation of the potential climate benefits, cost calculations for different restoration options and a complete planning basis for implementation.

The LONA wetland application that was based on the report was granted in April 2021. Other municipalities that want to strengthen their climate and nature conservation work have requested early access to the report.

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